St. Johannes Klinik

Quality results

Treatment sector: Pressure ulcer (decubitus): prevention through nursing measures (DEK) Explanation

Designation Dekubitusprophylaxe
Shortcut DEK
Number of cases 166
Documentation rate 101.2 %
Hospital comment Die Dokumentationsrate wurde krankenhausbezogen berechnet.

Summary result:

No assessment is possible for one quality characteristic

Number of patients treated: 166

Created with Highcharts 8.0.0
Quality objective achieved
Quality objective not achieved

The results in detail

Quality criterion
Hospital result
and target area
Quality objective
All information
So rarely did a very severe pressure ulcer (grade 4) develop during the hospital stay
National result: 0,01 %
Hospital: Data protection

No information due to data protection

Sentinel Event
Assessment not possible
So rarely did patients develop pressure ulcers of unknown severity in hospital
National result: 0,01 %
Hospital: Data protection

No information due to data protection

as rarely as possible
Evaluation is not available
So few patients developed severe pressure ulcers (grade 3) in hospital
National result: 0,07 %
Hospital: Data protection

No information due to data protection

as rarely as possible
Evaluation is not available
So few patients developed moderate pressure ulcers (grade 2) in hospital
National result: 0,36 %
Hospital: Data protection

No information due to data protection

as rarely as possible
Evaluation is not available